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When I was a child in the early sixties, the age of sixty years ago, it was because I was six years old, and who was older than 21 was decrepit, but because the elderly are expected in the sixties as seen by their chimneys to die.
Five years later, in concept of the elderly is likely to be swimming at the beach in Borneo and other exotic places, instead of sitting beside the fireplace. Great advances in health care that people live not only longer, but they are in shape andhealthier, more control over their health and life.
Seniors over fifty are fortunately no longer willing to accept his life is over. There are many things you try, whether through travel and more adventurous than your front door.
I am an avid diver for over thirty years, and I learned something, or get over them and the first is that diving is not one of those pastimes that age is an obstacle, the age of a positive performance for diving UnderwaterDivers.
Scuba diving is dangerous? Yes, you can be - but is unity, and the rest, to live. And I'm not sure that there is not one of those things that everyone is more dangerous than it is!
There is no such thing as shark attacks scuba diving dangerous? Are statistically the majority of people bitten by sharks bite while standing on a beach not far from the coast. I had hundreds of dives in the Pacific, the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. Inever seen sharks or whales? Yes, many times. I consider them dangerous? Yes, I do. Have you ever stopped me from diving between them? No, it is not. However, neither the fact is of great importance: it is a fact that an overwhelming majority of diving, you will not see that either.
What has changed for the highest number of diving accidents Personally I pay? It 'simple: the vast majority of cases were from sinus and respiratory problems, causing nothing to do,Not repairable, but just a simple human error, to learn how to properly compensate for the pressure. I was very happy when I learned to dive - I listened to my instructor. It seems silly, but it's true.
I was terrified of water, so I wanted to learn to dive, my demons in the face. I have been very difficult at the moment and stupid fear, so I threw a wobbly and refused to go into the water. E 'was under a pier in Savu Savu,Fiji. My instructor took me into the water and I think the pier, while my hand. Apparently I lost you see a whale. I was so shocked that I had my eyes tightly closed. However, I learned a very important lesson, however, before the water hysterical: first, there is almost no other choice, you have to breathe! Trust me, it's either that or drown. That was the lesson I learned: Everything you need to do to was to make a good diver, is to breathe, no more andnot less. Once you have the fact that you can breathe underwater, as usual, Nothing Else Matters handled.
When you breathe deeply and naturally the water, you are in a different environment: it is your personal diver, Jacques Cousteau television show. It 'too exciting to worry about anything. Nobody in the whole world is in the water without diving license allows. Earn that diving certification, you will learn everything there is to know, and to counteraccidents with milder.
I never felt personally threatened during the dive? Yes, I have, but not in the last twelve years. I swore that my fortieth birthday that I had no intention of diving dive with someone under thirty and over again in all the circumstances, and when I went and got this rule, I encountered no problems. The oldest person I've ever personally had to dive to 76, but I do know that Jacques Cousteau has died at the age of 87 years and wasstill in draft. I also have to dive with someone who was seventy years old and a student.
When I learned to dive, it was none of the gadgets, which is now available. They understand how long, how much and how could Deep Dive. In those days, a computer that does everything. If you are aged over sixty, you remember, double-de-clutch while driving and how easy it is today. If you do not know what I'm talking about, well, you're too young to read this articleanyway!
We are told every time that exercise is good for us. Well, there's nothing like diving under the water, because if you push the water and disappear all the pain. There's nothing like swimming with fifty or more species of fish a few meters from your head. It 'something that never tire, and night diving is different and offers a new world.
Age is no barrier for diving: Age common sense andRespect for the depth. If there is something of what they would do even more, go ahead and try. You dip a try and see how you feel. If you did, there is no going back - you should open your horizon, forever.
All the rules, what can you know about diving, below.
1) offset by the ears and mask as you descend. This simply means that the implementation of the nose and exert a gentle blow-out pressure.
2) Do not hold your breathwhen climbing stairs. Still breathing and are usually slowly and steadily.
3) Always dive with a companion.
4) Do not drink and dive.
5) It will not fly until 12 hours after the dive, 24 hours if your dive required decompression stops. Will not kill you, but it is something you do not want to repeat after you feel the effects.
6) If you have friends and relatives who have concerns about your diving, do not tell them only afterDiving.
7) Do not have a good swimmer to dive, I often had to dive with people who do not swim at all. However, I would personally recommend that you can swim a hundred yards, because it was in the boat!
8) The draft is much more difficult than snorkeling. That is a myth that snorkeler say, but not a diver wants.
In summary, a relaxing hobby, scuba diving and most, if it is done less than ten metersSurface. Most coral reefs in the world are not deep, we're forty thousand meters below the sea. Some people say they can not bear the thought of the weight of the sea upon them under water, you can feel the weight up or down, and in fact, is the closest thing to the weight, I can imagine. A common misconception about diving is: "I would be too afraid!" Chances are good that you are so excited that you forget to be afraid, andcertainly do not forget to breathe! Then the emotion of his private aquarium is the will to never leave, even if you can stretch only once during a dive in the sea and remain a landlubber for ever.
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